A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
What MANCHESTER says today, the rest of England says tomorrow

The proverb occurs in a variety of forms. Quot. 1902 sets it in its historical context: the
Corn Law, restricting the importation of foreign corn, was abolished in 1846, and Manchester
(formerly part of Lancashire), considered the home of free trade, was in the forefront of the
campaign against restrictive legislation.

1898 R. KIPLING Day’s Work 51 What the horses o’ Kansas think to-day, the horses
of America will think to-morrow; an’ I tell you that when the horses of America rise in
their might, the day o’ the Oppressor is ended. 1902 V. S. LEAN Collectanea 1.116 What
Lancashire thinks to-day all England will think to-morrow. This was in the days of the
Anti-Corn-Law League. Since then the initiative in political movements proceeds from
Birmingham. 1944 C. MILBURN Journal 24 Aug. in Diaries (1979) xiii. Manchester
rang its bells yesterday—a day before St. Paul’s.. thus justifying its words, so often used:
‘What Manchester says today, the rest of England says tomorrow!’ 1980 Listener 6 Mar.
300 What Manchester does today—.. is the old boast that ‘What Manchester does today
London thinks tomorrow.’ imitation; opinions; public opinion

Manchester see also YORKSHIRE born and Yorkshire bred, strong in the arm and weak
in the head.

MANNERS maketh man

William of Wykeham (1324–1404), bishop of Winchester and chancellor of England, was
the founder of Winchester College and New College, Oxford (see also quot. a 1661).

c 1350 Douce MS 52 no. 77 Maner makys man. c 1450 in Archiv (1931) CLIX. 88
Maners and clothying makes man. 1509 A. BARCLAY Ship of Fools 118 An old
prouerbe.. Sayth that good lyfe and maners makyth man. a 1661 T. FULLER Worthies
(Hants.) 3 Manners makes a man, Quoth William Wickham. This generally was his
Motto, inscribed frequently on the places of his Founding. 1721 J. KELLY Scottish
Proverbs 246 Meat feeds, Cloth cleeds, but Manners makes the Man. ..Good Meat, and
fine Cloaths, without good Breeding, are but poor Recommendations. 1824 BYRON Don
Juan xv. xviii. The difference is, that in days of old Men made the manners; manners now
make men. 1983 R. BARNARD Case of Missing Bronte vi. Gracious little twit. The idea
that manners makyth man clearly went out of the educational system before he went into
it. manners
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