A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1

The proverb literally means that the weakness of chickens born in May is apparent from
their continual feeble cries.

1868 A. HISLOP Proverbs of Scotland 223 May birds are aye cheeping. This refers
to the popular superstition against marrying in.. May, the children of which marriages are
said to ‘die of decay’. 1895 S. O. ADDY Household Tales II. viii. Children born in the
month of May require great care in bringing up, for ‘May chickens come cheeping.’
calendar lore; misfortune

May see also APRIL showers bring forth May flowers; ne’er CAST a clout till May be
out; MARRY in May, rue for aye; so many MISTS in March, so many frosts in May; SELL in
May and go away; a SWARM in May is worth a load of hay; SWEEP the house with broom in
May, you sweep the head of the house away.

may see he that WILL not when he may, when he will he shall have nay.

means see the END justifies the means; he who WILLS the end, wills the means.

MEASURE seven times, cut once

Russian proverb, originally referring to carpentry and needlework, meaning that care taken
in preparation will prevent errors; cf. MEASURE twice, cut once and THINK twice, cut once.

1853 W. FELGATE trans. Tapparelli d’Azeglio, Marchese Massimo Maid of
Florence 213 ‘However, measure seven times before you cut once.’ ‘The more I think of
it, the more do I repent not having done it.’ 1920 ‘Moscow wireless message’ in Times 2
July (online) If the small Powers, attentive to the policy of the Great Powers, willingly
play the part of pulling the chestnuts out of the fire for them, they are destined to burn
their fingers severely.. At the proper moment, the Great Powers will, without any
ceremony, betray their little agents.. ‘Let Finland measure seven times, before cutting
off the piece!’ 1990 New York Times 1 June (online) Boris Yeltsin has been accusing the
present regime of half-measures when drastic action is needed, while ‘Measure seven
times, cut once’ is the go-slow Gorbachev adage. 2004 posting on http://www.eng.yabloko.ru 13
Aug. Putin, they said, is not interested in thrashing around aimlessly. Before launching
radical reforms, he will measure seven times and cut seven times. Now, sadly, it must be
noted that the ‘warming-up period’ was wasted after all. caution

MEASURE twice, cut once
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