A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
MODERATION in all things

A more recent formulation of the idea contained in there is MEASURE in all things. The
Latin word modus can be translated as either ‘moderation’ or ‘measure’, but the former seems
to be gaining currency at the expense of the latter, possibly because ‘measure’ has several
meanings and so could be misunderstood. HESIOD Works & Days 1. 694

observe due measure; moderation is best in all
things; PLAUTUS Poenulus 1. 238 modus omnibus rebus.. optimus est habitu, moderation in
all things is the best policy.

1849 H. MELVILLE Mardi II. lxxvii. I am for being temperate in these things. .. All
things in moderation are good; whence, wine in moderation is good. 1879 W. H. G.
KINGSTON tr. Swiss Family Robinson ii. ‘Oh, father, sugar canes. .. Do let us take a lot
home to mother.’.. ‘Gently there. .. Moderation in all things.’ 1980 S. T. HAYMON
Death & Pregnant Virgin ii. Norfolk.. [is] on the same scale I am. No Niagaras, no hills
higher than hills.. ought to be. Moderation in all things. 2002 Times Creme 3 July 5 It can
hardly be described as good for you.. but all things in moderation, as they say.

Monday see Monday’s CHILD is fair of face.

MONEY can’t buy happiness

A recurrent theme in invectives against materialism down the ages, but this formulation of
it appears to be comparatively recent.

1856 G. C. BALDWIN Representative Women 215 Gold cannot buy happiness, and
parents who compel their daughters to marry for money, or station, commit a grievous sin
against humanity and God. 1873 E. KELLOGG Arthur Brown vii. 118 ‘I had rather have
friends who love me for my own sake.. than all the money in the world.’ ‘Money won’t
buy happiness, Walter.’ 1984 ANON. in R. Byrne Other 637 Best Things Anybody Ever
Said (1985) I. no. 220 Whoever said money can’t buy happiness didn’t know where to
shop. 2002 Washington Post 19 June C15 (Blondie comic strip)’Bumstead, your problem
is that you worry too much about money. Money can’t buy happiness, you know.’ ‘Has it
bought you happiness, boss?’ ‘Yeah, but that’s just me!’ happiness; money

MONEY has no smell
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