A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
1678 J. RAY English Proverbs (ed. 2) 179 Muck and money go together. 1855 H. G.
BOHN Hand-Book of Proverbs 564 Where there is muck there is money. 1943 J. W. DAY
Farming Adventure xii. ‘Where there’s muck there’s money’ is as true now as then. But
farms today lack the mud. 1967 Punch 13 Sept. 396 ‘Where there’s muck there’s brass’
synopsised for many a North-country businessman the value of dirt in the profit-making
process. 2001 Spectator 15/22 Dec. 28 Where there’s muck, there’s brass, and it was the
job of the stercorarius to empty the cesspits and sell on the contents to farmers on city
outskirts. money

muckle see MANY a mickle makes a muckle.

mud see throw DIRT enough, and some will stick.

multitude see CHARITY covers a multitude of sins.

MURDER will out

Similar in form to TRUTH will out.

c 1325 Cursor Mundi (EETS) 1. 1084 For-thi [therefore] men sais into this tyde
[time], Is no man that murthir may hide. c 1390 CHAUCER Nun’s Priest’s Tale 1. 4242
Mordre wol out that se we day by day. 1596 SHAKESPEARE Merchant of Venice II. ii.
73 Truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long. 1860 W. COLLINS Woman in
White II. 64 Crimes cause their own detection, do they? And murder will out (another
moral epigram), will it? 1978 F. NEUMANN Seclusion Room ix. ‘Murder will out,’
Berman announced, smiling fatuously. concealment; violence

murder see also KILLING no murder.

What MUST be, must be

Cf. Ital. che sarà sarà, what will be, will be (this English form is also used).

c 1386 CHAUCER Knight’s Tale 1. 1466 Whan a thyng is shapen, it shal be. 1519
W. HORMAN Vulgaria 20 V That the whiche muste be wyll be. 1546. HEYWOOD
Dialogue of Proverbs II. i. F3 That shalbe, shalbe. 1616 BEAUMONT & FLETCHER
Scornful Lady III. i. I must kiss you. ..What must be, must be. 1841 S. WARREN Ten
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