may cost ten years’ weeding’. 1873 HARLAND & WILKINSON Lancashire Legends 190
One year’s seeding makes seven years’ weeding. 1889 T. F. THISTEL-TON-DYER
Folklore of Plants xi. A weed that runs to seed Is a seven years’ weed.. implies that
disagreeable actions.. only too frequently cling to man in after years. 1980 Daily
Telegraph 19 Jan. 20 My advice to weed-persons is: do not let your weeds grow to
maturity and seed—’one year’s seeding means seven years’ weeding’. action and
consequence; garden lore
one see also BETTER one house spoiled than two; BETTER to live one day as a tiger.. ; a
BIRD never flew on one wing; two BOYS are half a boy, and three boys are no boy at all; the
BUYER has need of hundred eyes, the seller of but one; every DOG is allowed one bite; don’t
put all your EGGS in one basket; one ENGLISHMAN can beat three Frenchmen; one
FUNERAL makes many; one GOOD turn deserves another; one HALF of the world does not
know how the other half lives; one HAND for yourself and one for the ship; one HAND
washes the other; one HOUR’S sleep before midnight is worth two after; one man’s LOSS is
another man’s gain; one man’s MEAT is another man’s poison; one PICTURE is worth ten
thousand words; one man may STEAL a horse, while another may not look over a hedge; one
STEP at a time; from the SUBLIME to the ridiculous is only a step; one SWALLOW does not
make a summer; it TAKES one to know one; TWO heads are better than one; if TWO ride on a
horse, one must ride behind; one VOLUNTEER is worth two pressed men; one WEDDING
brings another.
one-eyed see in the COUNTRY of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
onion see one DAY honey, one day onion.
open see (adjective) A DOOR must either be shut or open; (verb) a GOLDEN key can open
any door; when ONE door shuts, another opens.
The OPERA isn’t over till the fat lady sings
Attempts to determine the identity of the diva concerned have been inconclusive.
1978 Washington Post 13 June B1 The opera isn’t over till the fat lady sings. .. One
day three years ago, Ralph Carpenter, who was then Texas Tech’s sports information
director, declared to the press box contingent in Austin, ‘The rodeo ain’t over till the bull
riders ride.’ Stirred to top that deep insight, San Antonio sports editor Dan Cook
countered with, ‘The opera ain’t over till the fat lady sings.’ 1988 D. L. GILBERT Black
Star Murders viii. As soon as the big blond Briinnhilde finished, it was over. All I could