It is the PACE that kills
1855 S. A. HAMMETT Wonderful Adventures of Captain Priest xv. The well-known
sporting maxim, that ‘It is the pace that kills’. 1901 S. LANE-POOLE Sir H. Parkes in
China xx. There is an old proverb about the pace that kills, and.. Sir Harry was killing
himself by work at high pressure. 1936 N. MARSH Death in Ecstasy II. xvii. Don’t
overdo it. .. This is the pace that kills. haste; stress
package see the BEST things come in small packages.
pack-drill see NO names, no pack-drill.
padlock see WEDLOCK is a padlock.
pain see GENIUS is an infinite capacity for taking pains; NO pain, no gain; PRIDE feels
no pain.
paint see a BLIND man’s wife needs no paint. painted see the DEVIL is not so black as he
is painted.
pan see if IFS and ands were pots and pans, there’d be no work for tinkers’ hands.
paradise see ENGLAND is the paradise of women.
parcel see the BEST things come in small packages.
pardon see OFFENDERS never pardon.
Paris see good AMERICANS when they die go to Paris.
PARSLEY seed goes nine times to the Devil