A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
1658 in Mennis & Smith Wit Restored 35 There is a saying in the North Riding of
Yorkshire that The weed [parsley] before it’s borne Nine times the devill sees. 1885
Notes & Queries 6th Ser. XI. 467 Parsley seed (when it has been sown) goes nine times to
the devil. 1908 D. H. LAWRENCE Letter 4 May (1962) I. 7 People say parsley seed goes
seven times (some are moderate, discarding the holy number as unfit, and say five) to the
Old Lad, it is so long a-germinating. 1981 in A. Hewins Dillen xiv. It’s a queer plant,
parsley: ‘sow on Good Friday, seven times down to Hell afore it chits [sprouts (dialect)].’
garden lore; superstition

parsnip see FINE words butter no parsnips.

part see (noun) DISCRETION is the better part of valour; if you’re not part of the
SOLUTION, you’re part of the problem; (verb) the BEST of friends must part.

parted see a FOOL and his money are soon parted.

Things PAST cannot be recalled

Cf. late 14th-cent. Fr. ce qui est passe ne poet on recouver, that which is past one cannot

a 1500 H. MEDWALL Nature H3V A thyng don can not be called agayn. a 1535
MORE Edward V in J. Hardyng Chronicle (1543) II. 36 Sith [since] thynges passed
cannot be gaine called, muche more ought wee to bee ware. 1616 T. DRAXE Adages 151
That that is past, cannot be recalled or helped. 1804 M. EDGEWORTH Popular Tales II.
130 Since a thing past can’t be recalled.. we may be content. 1979 Country Life 24 May
1683 Visually, another period’s realities are palpably inaccessible. Things past cannot be
—perfectly—recalled. past; regrets

pastime see he that would go to SEA for pleasure, would go to hell for a pastime.
paternoster see NO penny, no paternoster.

PATIENCE is a virtue

Cf. Disticha Catonis I. xxxviii. maxima enim.. patientia virtus, patience is the greatest
virtue; mid 14th-cent. Fr. patience est une grant vertu, patience is a great virtue.

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