A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
If you want PEACE, you must prepare for war

Translating the 4th-cent. AD Roman military writer FLAVIUS VEGETIUS Epitoma Rei
Militaris III. (Introd.) qui desideratpacem, praeparet bellum, he who desires peace must
prepare for war.

a 1547 E. HALL Chronicle (1548) Edw. IV 209 He forgat the olde adage, saynge in
tyme of peace prouyde for warre. 1593 M. SUTCLIFFE Practice of Arms A2V He that
desireth peace, he must prepare for warres. 1624 BURTON Anatomy of Melancholy (ed.
2) II. iii. The Commonwealth of Venice in their Armory haue this inscription, Happy is
that Citty which in time of peace thinkes of warre, a fit Motto for euery mans priuate
house. 1885 C. LOWE Prince Bismarck II. x. Lord Beaconsfield had acted on the maxim
that ‘if you want peace, you must prepare for war’. 1929 Listener 28 Aug. 278 ‘If you
want peace, prepare for peace.’ This is the reverse of the old motto, ‘If you want peace,
prepare for war’. 2001 Washington Times 13 July A17 Peace is pro-family, pro-economy
and—hear this environmentalists—pro-turtle. Do you want peace? Scipio Africanus, the
Roman who defeated Hannibal, put it this way: ‘If you want peace, prepare for war.’
peace; prudence

peanut see if you PAY peanuts, you get monkeys.

pear see WALNUTS and pears you plant for your heirs.

Do not throw PEARLS to swine

With allusion to MATTHEW vii. 6 (AV) Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither
cast ye your pearls before swine. Often in the phrase to cast pearls before swine.

1340 Ayenbite of Inwit (EETS) 152 Thet we ne thrauwe naght oure preciouse stones
touore the zuyn. 1362 LANGLAND Piers Plowman A. xi. Noli mittere Margeri, perles
Among hogges. 1526 Pilgrimage of Perfection II. iii. The holy fathers thought it nat
expedient to disclose the secrete misteryes to euery worldly person. .. Cast not your
perles before hogges. 1550 R. CROWLEY Epigrams A3V Before suche swyne no pearles
maye be caste. 1816 S. SMITH Letter in S. Holland Memoir (1855) II. 134 Elgin has done
a very useful thing in taking them [the Elgin Marbles] away from the Turks. Do not throw
pearls to swine. 1925 WODEHOUSE Sam the Sudden xi. ‘Young women do not interest
me.’ The proverb about casting pearls before swine occurred to Sam. 2001 Spectator 3
Nov. 8 I am always inclined to toss such people a copy of The Way of All Flesh to show
them what great late-Victorian fiction-writing was really about, but that would be pearls
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