and Myths 205 The means to the end tend to block the full realization of the end. ‘He who
plants thorns should not expect to gather roses.’ action and consequence
Those who PLAY at bowls must look out for rubbers
Rubber is apparently an alteration of rub, an obstacle or impediment to the course of a
bowl. Cf. 1595 SHAKESPEARE Richard II III. iv. 4 Madam, we’ll play at bowls.—‘Twill
make me think the world is full of rubs.
1762 SMOLLETT Sir Launcelot Greaves I. x.(heading) Which sheweth that he who
plays at bowls, will sometimes meet with rubbers. 1824 SCOTT Redgauntlet III. vi. ‘And
how if it fails?’ said Darsie. ‘Thereafter as it may be—’ said Nixon; ‘they who play at
bowls must meet with rubbers.’ 1874 L. STEPHEN Hours in Library I. 384 De Quincey..
admits.. that the fanaticism of the rub was ‘much more reasonable’ than the fanaticism of
Priestly; and that those who play at bowls must look out for rubbers. 1907 F. W.
HACKWOOD Old English Sports xi. Another term used in common speech and derived
from this game [bowls] is ‘rub’; as when we say.. ‘he who plays at bowls must look out
for rubs’—that is, he must consider the inequalities of the ground, and.. make due
allowance for them. caution; foresight and hindsight; trouble
If you PLAY with fire you get burnt
The metaphorical phrase to play with fire, to tinker with something potentially dangerous,
is also commonly found. Cf. 1655 H. VAUGHAN Silex Scintillans II. 15 I played with fire, did
counsell spurn,.. But never thought that fire would burn, Or that a soul could ake.
1884 R. H. THORPE Fenton Family xiv. If people will play with fire, they must
expect to be burned by it some time. If I had not learned the game, and thought myself a
good player, I’d never have lost Mother’s money. 1980 P. KINSLEY Vatch-man Switch
xxiv. If you play with fire you get burnt. Shouldn’t mess around in Crown Colonies.
action and consequence; peril
play see also (noun) FAIR play’s a jewel; GIVE and take is fair play; TURN about is fair
play; all WORK and no play makes Jack a dull boy; (verb) when the CAT’S away, the mice
will play.
You can’t PLEASE everyone