1659 J. HOWELL Proverbs (English) 12 Ther’s reason in rosting of Eggs. 1785 J.
BOSWELL Journal of Tour of Hebrides 24 (note) Every man whatever is more or less a
cook, in seasoning what he himself eats.—Your definition is good, said Mr. Burke, and I
now see the full force of the common proverb, ‘There is reason in roasting of eggs’. 1867
TROLLOPE Last Chronicle of Barset II. lxxv. But there’s reason in the roasting of eggs,
and.. money is not so plentiful.. that your uncle can afford to throw it into the Barchester
gutters. 1915 SOMERVILLE & ROSS In Mr. Knox’s Country ix. I seemed to myself
merely an imbecile, sitting in heavy rain, staring at a stone wall. Half an hour, or more,
passed. ‘I’m going out of this,’ I said to myself defiantly; ‘there’s reason in the roasting
of eggs.’ idiosyncrasy
recalled see things PAST cannot be recalled.
receive see it is BETTER to give than to receive.
If there were no RECEIVERS, there would be no thieves
c 1390 CHAUCER Cook’s Tale 1. 4415 There is no theef with-oute a lowke
[accomplice], That helpeth hym to wasten and to sowke [cheat]. 1546 J. HEYWOOD
Dialogue of Proverbs I. xii. F1 This prouerbe preeues, Where be no receyuers, there be no
theeues. 1614 T. ADAMS Devil’s Banquet II. 67 The Calumniator is a wretched Thiefe,
and robs man of the best thing he hath. .. But if there were no receiuer, there would be no
Thiefe. 1884 R. JEFFERIES Red Deer v. No one would buy a stolen deer, knowing the
inevitable consequences, and as there are no receivers.. there are no thieves. 1926 Times
22 Nov. 11 It had often been said in those Courts that if there were no receivers there
would be no thieves. associates; wrong-doers
reckoning see AFTER the feast comes the reckoning; SHORT reckonings make long
recommendation see SELF-praise is no recommendation.
RED sky at night, shepherd’s delight; red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning
One of the most persistent of the weather sayings, used by sailors as well as shepherds (see
quots. 1893 and 1996). With allusion to MATTHEW xvi. 2–3 (AV) When it is evening, ye say,