A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
There is a REMEDY for everything except death

Cf. medieval L. contra malum mortis, non est medicamen in hortis, against the evil of
death there is no remedy in the garden.

c 1430 J. LYDGATE Dance of Machabree (EETS) 1. 432 Agens deeth is worth
[useful] no medicine. 1573 J. SANFORDE Garden of Pleasure 52 There is a remedie for
all things, sauing for death. 1620 T. SHELTON tr. Cervantes’ Don Quixote II. lxiv. There
is a remedy for everything but death, said Don Quixote; for tis but hauing a Barke ready
at the Sea side, and in spite of all the world we may embarke our selues. a 1895 F.
LOCKER-LAMPSON My Confidences (1896) 95 There is a remedy for everything except
Death.. so the bitterness of this disappointment has long passed away. 1974 Times 30
Sept. 25 I found the same readiness to wait reflected in a Spanish proverb which was
quoted to me: Para todo hay remedio menos para la muerte (there is a cure for everything
except death). It was a housewife speaking of Gibraltar’s present difficulties, and she
meant that sooner or later a way out would be found. death; finality

remedy see also DESPERATE diseases must have desperate remedies.

remember see feed a DOG for three days and he will remember your kindness for three

removal see THREE removals are as bad as a fire.

renewal see the QUARREL of lovers is the renewal of love.

repair see a WOMAN and a ship ever want mending.

repeat see HISTORY repeats itself.

repent see MARRY in haste and repent at leisure.

rest see (noun) a CHANGE is as good as a rest; (verb) AFTER dinner rest a while, after
supper walk a mile.

return see a BAD penny always turns up; the DOG returns to his vomit; the TONGUE
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