always returns to the sore tooth.
REVENGE is a dish that can be eaten cold
Vengeance need not be exacted immediately; but cf. 1620 T. SHELTON tr. Cervantes’ Don
Quixote II. lxiii. Reuenge is not good in cold bloud.
1885 C. LOWE Prince Bismarck I. iv. He had defended Olmutz, it is true, but.. with
a secret resolution to ‘eat the dish of his revenge cold instead of hot’. 1895 J. PAYN In
Market Overt xvii. Invective can be used at any time; like vengeance, it is a dish that can
be eaten cold. 1975 J. O’FAOLAIN Women in Wall iii. Revenge.. is a meal that’s as tasty
cold as hot. Tastier cold sometimes. 1997 Washington Post 6 Nov. E6 Revenge is a dish
best served cold. Let’s see what happens one of these cold Octobers. 2007 Times 14 Sept.
34 They say that revenge is a dish best served cold but I think that now has been trumped
by Mrs T. For yesterday revenge was served with tea and cakes. patience and
impatience; revenge
REVENGE is sweet
C f. HOMER Iliad XVIII. 109
anger.. that far sweeter than trickling honey wells up
like smoke in the breasts of men.
1566 W. PAINTER Palace of Pleasure 300 Vengeance is sweete vnto him, which in
place of killing his enemy, giueth life to a perfect frende. 1609 JONSON SilentWoman
IV. V. O reuenge, how sweet art thou! 1658 Whole Duty of Man XVI. 346 ‘Tis a devilish
phrase in the mouth of men, that revenge is sweet. .. Is it possible there can be any such
sweetnesse in it? 1775 SHERIDAN St. Patrick’s Day II. 22 ‘Revenge is sweet’.. and
though disappointed of my designs upon your daughter,.. I’m revenged on her unnatural
father. 1861 H. KINGSLEY Ravenshoe II. x. Revenge is sweet—to some. Not to him.
1980 J. PORTER Dover beats Band xv. He came to the conclusion that though revenge
may be sweet, knowledge.. is better than money in the bank. revenge
revenue see THRIFT is a great revenue.
REVOLUTIONS are not made with rose-water