A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
what’s he doing in the bloody circus?’ 1979 Daily Telegraph 15 Mar. 15 A producer who
‘can’t ride two horses at the same time shouldn’t be in the circus.’.. Current affairs
television should be both serious and entertaining. 2002 National Review 3 June 18 But
politics is a practical activity, not an intellectual one. As Denis Healey once said, if you
can’t ride two horses at once, you shouldn’t be in the bloody circus. efficiency and
inefficiency; stress

ride see also set a BEGGAR on horseback, and he’ll ride to the Devil; if TWO ride on a
horse one must ride behind; if WISHES were horses beggars would ride.

He who RIDES a tiger is afraid to dismount

Once a dangerous or troublesome venture is begun, the safest course is to carry it through
to the end.

1875 W. SCARBOROUGH Collection of Chinese Proverbs no. 2082 He who rides a
tiger is afraid to dismount. .. Ch’i ‘hu nan hsiapei. 1902 A. R. COLQUHOUN Mastery of
Pacific xvi. These colonies are.. for her [France] the tiger which she has mounted (to use
the Chinese phrase) and which she can neither manage nor get rid of. 1983 W. HARRISS
Bay Psalm Book Murder x. ‘But no doubt about it, I’ve got a tiger by the tail now.’ ‘And
there’s an Oriental saying that the man who rides the tiger is afraid to get off. Watch your
step.’ peril

ridiculous see from the SUBLIME to the ridiculous is only a step.

right see the CUSTOMER is always right; DO right and fear no man; GOD’S in his
heaven, all’s right with the world; MIGHT is right; TWO wrongs don’t make a right.

ring see GIVE a thing, and take a thing, to wear the Devil’s gold ring.

ripe see SOON ripe, soon rotten.

rise see EARLY to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise; a
STREAM cannot rise above its source.

A RISING tide lifts all boats
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