A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
1569 W. WAGER Longer Thou Livest A2 To be a good man it is also expedient Of
good Parents to be begotten and borne. .. Commonly of good Seed procedeth good Corne.
1700 T. TRYON Letters i. If the Seed he Sowes be good.. his Crop is according; ..If he
Sows Tares.. will he expect Wheat? 1940 L. I. WILDER Long Winter xvii. Seed-time’s
pretty sure to come around. .. And good seed makes a good crop. beginnings and

seed see also the BLOOD of the martyrs is the seed of the Church; PARSLEY seed goes
nine times to the Devil.

seeding see ONE year’s seeding makes seven years’ weeding.

SEEING is believing

1609 S. HARWARD MS (Trinity College, Cambridge) 85 Seeing is leeving. 1639 J.
CLARKE Parœmiologia Anglo-Latina 90 Seeing is beleeving. 1712 J. ARBUTHNOT
Lewis Baboon iv. There’s nothing like Matter of Fact; Seeing is Believing. 1848 J. C. &
A. W. HARE Guesses at Truth (ed. 2) 2nd Ser. 497 Seeing is believing, says the proverb.
.. Though, of all our senses, the eyes are the most easily deceived, we believe them in
preference to any other evidence. 2001 Washington Times 14 Dec. A4 Seeing, as the old
saw goes, is believing, and in the post-literate age the visual is more persuasive than it
used to be. trust and scepticism

SEEK and ye shall find

Cf. SOPHOCLES Oedipus Tyrannus 1. 110–11 what is
sought is found; what is neglected evades us. A more direct source is MATTHEW vii. 7 (AV)
Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and ye shall find.

1530 in J. Palsgrave L’éclaircissement de la Langue Francaise A5 He that wyll seke
may fynde And in a brefe tyme attayne to his utterest desire. c 1538 J. BALE King Johan
(1931) 1. 192 Serche and ye shall fynd, in every congregacyn that long [belongs] to the
pope. 1783 J. JAY Letter 14 Nov. (1891) III. 95 ‘Seek and you shall find’ does not, it
seems, always extend to that [health] of the body. 1980 R. COLLINS Case of
Philosopher’s Ring xiii. There is danger in the saying, ‘Seek and ye shall find’.
diligence; wanting and having

seem see BE what you would seem to be.
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