A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
short see also ART is long and life is short; LONG foretold, long last.

shortest see BARNABY bright, Barnaby bright, the longest day and the shortest night; the
LONGEST way round is the shortest way home.

shoulder see you cannot put an OLD head on young shoulders.

show see TIME will tell.

shower see APRIL showers bring forth May flowers.

SHROUDS have no pockets

1854 R. C. TRENCH On Lessons in Proverbs (ed. 2) v. With an image Dantesque in
its vigour, that ‘a man shall carry nothing away with him when he dieth’, take this Italian,
Our last robe, that is our winding sheet, is made without pockets. 1909 A. MACLAREN
Epistle to Ephesians 41 There is nothing that is truly our wealth which remains outside of
us, and can be separated from us. ‘Shrouds have no pockets.’ 1961 M. KELLY Spoilt Kill
II. 20 ‘He had a win on the pools and it’s burning him.’ ‘Shrouds don’t need pockets,
love,’ he said with a grin. 2002 Spectator 13 Apr. 57 So we take into the afterlife only
what we have given away. Shrouds have no pockets. death; money

A SHUT mouth catches no flies

1599 J. MINSHEU Spanish Grammar 83 In a closed vp mouth a flie cannot get in.
1640 G. HERBERT Outlandish Proverbs no. 219 Into a mouth shut flies flie not. 1659 T.
FULLER Appeal of Injured Innocence I. 12 The Spanish Proverb.. is necessary in
dangerous.. Times, Where the mouth is shut no Fly doth enter. 1742 B. FRANKLIN Poor
Richard’s Almanack (Feb.) Speak and speed: the close mouth catches no flies. 1897 ‘H. S.
MERRIMAN’ In Kedar’s Tents xxiii. Concha, remembering.. that no flies enter a shut
mouth, was silent. 1926 T. A. WILLARD City of Sacred Well xv. Tell each of them that a
shut mouth catches no flies. We may find.. nothing.. and.. we do not want the other men
laughing at us behind our backs. 1984 ‘M. HEBDEN’ Pel and Pirates (1987) v. 43
‘People keep a tight lip. In bocca chiusa non entra mai mosca... It’s an old Italian saying.
The people on the island use it.’ ‘What’s it mean?’ ‘A fly never enters a closed mouth.
They don’t talk much.’ discretion; speech and silence
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