A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
1623 J. WODROEPHE Spared Hours of Soldier 310 The Student sleepes six Howres,
the Traueller seuen; the Workeman eight, and all Laizie Bodies sleepe nine houres and
more. 1864 J. H. FRISWELL Gentle Life 259 John Wesley.. considered that five hours’
sleep was enough for him or any man. .. The old English proverb, so often in the mouth of
George III, was ‘six hours for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool’. 1908
Spectator 19 Dec. 1047 Is there not a proverb that a man requires six hours’ sleep, a
woman seven, a child eight and only a fool more? If this be true, thousands of great men
were, and are, fools. health

size see ONE size does not fit all.

skin see (noun) NEAR is my shirt, but nearer is my skin; don’t SELL the skin till you have
caught the bear; (verb) there is more than one WAY to skin a cat.

skin-deep see BEAUTY is only skin-deep.

skittle see LIFE isn’t all beer and skittles.

If the SKY falls we shall catch larks

‘In ridicule of those who talk of doing many things, if certain other things, not likely, were
to happen’: Fielding, Proverbs of all Nations (1824) 22.

c 1445 Peter Idley’s Instructions to his Son (1935) I. 178 We shall kacche many
larkis whan heuene doith falle. 1546 J. HEYWOOD Dialogue of Proverbs I. iv. B1V
When the sky falth we shalhaue larks. 1670 J. RAY English Proverbs 143 If the sky falls
we shall catch larks. 1721 J. KELLY Scottish Proverbs 343 What if the Lift [sky] fall,
you may gather Laverocks [larks]. 1914 G. B. SHAW Misalliance p. xxx. I cannot be put
off by the news that our system would be perfect if it were worked by angels.. just as I do
not admit that if the sky fell we should all catch larks. 1950 C. S. LEWIS in Month Oct.
234 If.. the total content of time were spread out before me.. I could do what the
Historicist says he is doing. .. Yes; and if the sky fell we should all catch larks.
possibility and impossibility

sky see also RED sky at night, shepherd’s delight; WINTER never rots in the sky.

slave see BETTER be an old man’s darling, than a young man’s slave.
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