A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
really small, like Nanoarchaeum equitans, which measures a whole 100 millionth of a
millimetre less than the tiniest bacterium, may be a long way from even being visible to
the naked eye. great and small

small see also the BEST things come in small packages; BETTER are small fish than an
empty dish; LITTLE things please little minds; there’s no great LOSS without some gain; the
MILLS of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small.

smell see (noun) MONEY has no smell; (verb) FISH and guests smell after three days.

smock see NEAR is my kirtle, but nearer is my smock.

No SMOKE without fire

Cf. PLAUTUS Curculio 53 flamma fumo est proxima, the flame is right next to the smoke;
late 13th-cent. Fr. nul feu est sens fumee nefumee sens feu, no fire is without smoke, nor smoke
without fire; c 1375 J. BARBOUR Bruce (EETS) IV. 81 And thair may no man fire sa covir,
[Bot] low or reyk [flame or smoke] sall it discovir.

c 1422 T. HOCCLEVE Works (EETS) I. 134 Wher no fyr maad is may no smoke
aryse. 1592 G. DELAMOTHE French Alphabet II. 39 No smoke without fire. 1655 T.
FULLER Church Hist. Britain II. x. There was no Smoak but some Fire: either he was
dishonest, or indiscreet. 1869 TROLLOPE He knew He was Right II. lii. He considered
that.. Emily Trevelyan had behaved badly. He constantly repeated.. the old adage, that
there was no smoke without fire. 1948 ‘M. INNES’ Night of Errors iv. ‘Chimneys!.. Who
the deuce cares whether there’s smoke from every chimney in the house.’ ‘I do. No
smoke without fire.’ 2002 Times 8 July 8 ‘I’ve been found not guilty, but mud sticks.
Some people will say: “There’s no smoke without fire.”’ public opinion; rumour

smooth see the COURSE of true love never did run smooth.

snake see the man who has once been BITTEN by the snake fears every piece of rope.

snow see NORTH wind doth blow, we shall have snow.

so see so many MEN, so many opinions. sober see WANTON kittens make sober cats.
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