A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1


table see where MACGREGOR sits is the head of the table.

tail see every HERRING must hang by its own gill; the HIGHER the monkey climbs the
more he shows his tail; it is idle to SWALLOW the cow and choke on the tail.

tailor see NINE tailors make a man.

TAKE the goods the gods provide

Cf. PLAUTUS Rudens 1.1229 habeas quod di dant boni, you may keep what good the gods

1697 DRYDEN Alexander’s Feast 5 Lovely Thais sits beside thee, Take the good the
gods provide thee. 1880 TROLLOPE Duke’s Children III. xiv. ‘It is only because I am the
governor’s son,’ Silverbridge pleaded. .. ‘What of that? Take the goods the gods provide
you.’ 1980 M. MCMULLEN Something of Night viii. Take the goods the gods provide,
and don’t.. sulk when they are snatched away. good fortune; opportunity

take see also it takes ALL sorts to make a world; you can take the BOY out of the country
but you can’t take the country out of the boy; GIVE a thing, and take a thing, to wear the
Devil’s gold ring; GIVE and take is fair play; you can take a HORSE to the water, but you
can’t make him drink; you PAYS your money and you takes your choice; take care of the
PENCE and the pounds will take care of themselves; it takes TWO to make a bargain; it takes
TWO to make a quarrel; it takes TWO to tango.

It TAKES one to know one

1977 National Journal 9 July 1090 In the it-takes-one-to-know-one category. Lester
L. Kinsolving, among other jobs, is serving as national editor for the Panax Corp.
newspapers. 1997 Buffalo News 27 Aug. 9D We hear that a local dude discourages his
wife from buying antiques by saying, ‘It takes one to know one.’ 2001 R. HILL Dialogues
of Dead xxiii. 200 ‘Sam just wasn’t the suicidal type.’ ‘Takes a one to know a one, does
it?’ said Dalziel. 2007 New Scientist 23 June 37 (heading) Birds that have never stolen do
not re-hide their cache. It takes a thief to know a thief. similarity and dissimilarity
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