A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1

Cf. CICERO Paradox 49 non intellegunt homines quam magnum vectigal sit parsimonia,
men do not realize how great a revenue thrift is.

1659 J. HOWELL Proverbs (French) 15 Parsimony is the best revenue. 1855 H. G.
BOHN Hand-Book of Proverbs 530 Thrift is a good revenue. 1930 Times 10 Oct. 13
Thrift.. is not only a great virtue but also ‘a great revenue’. thrift

He that will THRIVE must first ask his wife

a 1500 in R. L. Greene Early English Carols (1935 276 Hym that cast hym for to
thryve, he must ask leve of his wyff. c 1549 J. HEYWOOD Dialogue of Proverbs I. xi.
B8V He that will thryue, must aske leaue of his wyfe. a 1790 B. FRANKLIN
Autobiography (1905) I. 324 He that would thrive, must ask his wife. It was lucky for me
that I had one as much dispos’d to industry and frugality as myself. 1875 S. SMILES
Thrift viii. There is an old English proverb which says, ‘He that would thrive must first
ask his wife.’ wives and husbands

thrive see also ILL gotten goods never thrive; if you want to LIVE and thrive, let the
spider run alive.

Don’t THROW out your dirty water until you get in fresh

c 1475 in Modern Philology (1940) XXXVIII. 121 He ys a fole that castith a-way his
olde water or he have new. 1623 W. PAINTER Palace of Pleasure C4V The wise prouerbe
wish all men to saue Their foule water vntill they fayrer haue. 1710 S. PALMER
Proverbs 89 Don’t throw away Dirty Water till you have got Clean. .. The Man being
possess’d with Avarice, throws away a Certain Benefit upon uncertain .. Expectations.
1842 S. LOVER Handy Andy xxix. ‘I’ll change my clothes.’.. ‘You had better wait. .. You
know the old saying, “Don’t throw out your dirty wather until you get in fresh.”’ 1911 G.
B. SHAW Fanny’s First Play III. 208 Dont you throw out dirty water til you get in fresh.
Dont get too big for your boots. 1986 M. SLUNG More Momilies 67 Don’t throw out
dirty water until you have clean. innovation

Don’t THROW the baby out with the bathwater

The proverb is often used allusively, especially in the metaphorical phrase to throw (or
empty) out the baby with the bathwater. Known in German from at least as early as the start of
the sixteenth century; cf. 1610 J. KEPLER Tertius Interveniens (sub-heading) Das ist

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