Warnung.. das sie.. nicht das Kindt mit dem Badt ausschütten, this is a caution.. lest you throw
out the baby with the bath.
1853 CARLYLE Nigger Question (ed. 2) 29 The Germans say, ‘You must empty out
the bathing-tub, but not the baby along with it.’.. How to abolish the abuses of slavery,
and save the precious thing in it: also, I do not pretend that this is easy. 1911 G. B.
SHAW Getting Married (Preface) 186 We shall in a very literal sense empty the baby out
with the bath by abolishing an institution [marriage] which needs nothing more than a
little.. rationalizing to make it.. useful. 1979 J. P. YOUNG Art of Learning to Manage 91
Do be careful that you don’t throw the baby out with the bath water, and find yourself
with too many people who lack experience. 2002 Times 9 Apr. 22 So let reform and
trimming continue; but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. prudence
throw see also throw DIRT enough, and some will stick; those who live in GLASS houses
shouldn’t throw stones; do not throw PEARLS to swine.
Thursday see Monday’s CHILD is fair of face.
thyself see KNOW thyself; PHYSICIAN, heal thyself.
thysen (yourself): see HEAR all, see all, say nowt.
tide see a RISING tide lifts all boats; TIME and tide wait for no man.
tie see when SPIDER webs unite, they can tie up a lion; TRUST in God but tie your camel.
tiger see BETTER to live one day as a tiger.. ; the BLEATING of the kid excites the tiger;
he who RIDES a tiger is afraid to dismount.
There is a TIME and place for everything
An expanded version of there is a TIME for everything.
1509 A. BARCLAY Ship of Fools 94 Remember: there is tyme and place for euery
thynge. 1862 G. BORROW Wild Wales II. x. There is a time and place for everything, and
sometimes the warmest admirer of ale would prefer the lymph of the hill-side fountain to