A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
the choicest ale. 1986 ‘C. AIRD’ Dead Liberty iv. A memory from A Midsummer Night’s
Dream to do with Snout serving the office of a wall welled up in Sloan’s mind, but he
suppressed it instantly. There was a time and a place for everything. opportunity;
orderliness; time

TIME and tide wait for no man

c 1390 CHAUCER Clerk’s Tale 1.118 For thogh we slepe or wake, or rome, or ryde,
Ay fleeth the tyme; it nil no [will no] man abyde. a 1520 Everyman (1961) 1.143 The
Tyde abydeth no man. 1592 R. GREENE Disputation between He Cony-catcher & She
Cony-catcher X. 241 Tyde nor time tarrieth no man. 1639 J. CLARKE Parœmiologia
Anglo-Latina 233 Time and tide tary on no man. 1767 ‘A. BARTON’ Disappointment II.
i. Let’s step into the state-room, and turn in: Time and tide waits for no one. 1822 SCOTT
Nigel III. ii. Come, come, master, let us get afloat. .. Time and tide wait for no man. 2002
Washington Post 10 Mar. SC11 (Family Circus comic strip) Time and tide wait for no
man. ‘And a school bus waits for no boy.’ opportunity; time

TIME flies

Cf. L. tempus fugit, time flies.

c 1390 CHAUCER Clerk’s Tale 1. 118 For though we slepe or wake, or rome, or
ryde, Ay fleeth the tyme. 1639 J. CLARKE Parœmiologia Anglo-Latina 308 Time flyeth
away without delay. 1776 J. W. FLETCHER Letter 21 Mar. in Works (1803) IX. 197
Time flies! Years of plenty.. disappear before the eternity to which we are all hastening.
2002 Washington Post 29 Mar. C9 (Classic Peanuts comic strip)’Quick, Marcie, I need
the answer to the third question!’ ‘There is no third question, sir.. we did that test last
week. ..’’Time flies when you’re having fun.’ time

There is a TIME for everything

With allusion to ECCLESIASTES iii. 1 (AV) To every thing there is a season.

c 1390 CHAUCER Clerk’s Prologue 1. 6 But Salomon seith ‘every thyng hath
tyme’. 1540 CRANMER Bible (Prologue) +3 Ther is tyme for euery thynge. 1590
SHAKESPEARE Comedy of Errors II. ii. 63 Well, sir, learn to jest in good time; there’s
time for all things. 1818 J. AUSTEN Northanger Abbey xxx. Your head runs too much
upon Bath; but there is a time for every thing—a time for balls.. and a time for work.
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