tough see when the GOING gets tough, the tough get going.
town see GOD made the country, and man made the town.
TRADE follows the flag
1870 J. A. FROUDE in Fraser’s Magazine Jan. 4 The removal of a million poor
creatures to Canada and the establishment of them there.. would probably have turned
out.. a profitable investment. Trade follows the flag. 1945 R. HARGREAVES Enemy at
Gate 152 There is a glib saying..that ‘trade follows the flag’; an apophthegm that
succeeds in putting the cart before the horse with greater aplomb than almost any other
cant phrase in common use. 1979 in C. Allen Tales from Dark Continent i. There is a
famous old quotation that ‘Trade follows the Flag’ but.. in West Africa.. the reverse was
true. business
trade see also EVERY man to his trade; JACK of all trades and master of none; there are
TRICKS in every trade; TWO of a trade never agree.
transplant see you cannot SHIFT an old tree without it dying.
TRAVEL broadens the mind
1911 ‘SAKI’ ‘Way to Dairy’ in Chronicles of Clovis (Short Stories of Saki, 1958)
195 ‘Travel enlarges the mind, my dear Christine,’ said her aunt. ‘Yes, dear aunt, travel
undertaken in the right spirit,’ agreed Christine; ‘but travel pursued merely as a means
towards gambling and extravagant living is more likely to contract the purse than to
enlarge the mind.’ 1929 G. K. CHESTERTON Poet & Lunatics iii. He may be a trifle
cracked,.. but that’s only because his travels have been too much for his intellect. They
say travel broadens the mind; but you must have the mind. 1949 N. STREATFEILD
Painted Garden iii. Foreign travel broadens the mind..and a broadened mind helps all art.
1969 ‘E. LATHEN’ When in Greece xvii. ‘The Americans we have met compare very
favorably with most other nationals.’ Travel, after all, can broaden only so many minds.
1981 C. KING Commonplace Book 22 It has so truly been said that travel—anywhere—
broadens the mind. 1997 Times 24 Dec. 14 The past may be a foreign country through
which we travel as strangers. But travel still broadens the mind. experience; travel
travel (verb) see BAD news travels fast; it is BETTER to travel hopefully than to arrive.