A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
Never TROUBLE trouble till trouble troubles you

1884 Folk-Lore Journal II. 280 Never trouble trouble, till trouble troubles you. 1945
‘D. B. OLSEN’ Cats don’t Smile i. Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. I
always wondered: what then? 1983 Good Housekeeping Oct. 75 Talking of proverbs,
there is an old Yorkshire saying: never trouble trouble, till trouble troubles thee. To
which I would add the rider: and when it does trouble thee, keep it to thyself. 2002
Spectator 20 July 31 He was a master of procrastination or of misunderstanding what he
had been told to do. ‘Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you’: that was Junor’s
maxim where Beaverbrook was concerned. trouble

trouble (noun) see also do not MEET troubles halfway; NEEDLES and pins,.. when a man
marries, his trouble begins.

Many a TRUE word is spoken in jest

c 1390 CHAUCER Monk’s Prologue 1. 1964 Be nat wrooth, my lord, though that I
pleye. Ful ofte in game a sooth [truth] I have herd seye! a 1628 J. CARMICHAELL
Proverbs in Scots no. 1099 Manie suith word said in bourding [jesting]. c 1665 in
Roxburghe Ballads (1890) VII. 366 Many a true word hath been spoke in jest. 1738
SWIFT Polite Conversation I. iii. ‘I did a very foolish thing yesterday.’.. ‘They say, many
a true Word’s spoken in Jest.’ 1898 G. B. SHAW Widower’s Houses I. in Plays Pleasant
& Unpleasant I. 10 There actually are Johannis churches here.. as well as Apollinaris
ones. ..There is many a true word spoken in jest. 1979 D. LESSING Shikasta 356 By the
time we have finished I expect we shall have a dozen or more [children]. .. Many a true
word is spoken in jest. truth

true see also the COURSE of true love never did run smooth; what EVERYBODY says
must be true; MORNING dreams come true; what is NEW cannot be true; if it SOUNDS too
good to be true, it probably is.

TRUST in God but tie your camel

Arab proverb. The origin is an anecdote about the Prophet Muhammad: ‘one of
Muhammad’s followers came to him, and said,’ “O prophet of God, I shall turn my camel
loose tonight, and trust it to providence”; but Muhammad very wisely answered, “Tie your
camel up as securely as you can, and then trust it to providence” ‘(C. H. Spurgeon Spurgeon’s
Sermons on Christmas and Easter (1995) 77).

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