1920 M. PICKTHALL Islam and Progress 28 Trust in God but tie your camel. 1953
Religions: Journal of Transactions of Society for Promoting Study of Religions 28
According to the homely Arab proverb, ‘Trust in God but tie your camel.’ 2000 B.
MCCORMACK Tokyo Notes and Anecdotes 14 Even in Japan, I’ve learned to adhere to
the wise Islamic adage: ‘trust in Allah but tie your camel.’ 2004 W. HUTTON & J.
EAGLE Earth’s Catastrophic Past and Future 18 The.. eruption of Krakatau was heard as
a low rumble thousands of miles away. If we hear such a rumble, should we not drive as
quickly as possible to grocery and drug stores to load up on necessities? As the saying
goes, ‘Trust in God, but tie your camel first.’ providence; self-help
Put your TRUST in God, and keep your powder dry
Advice attributed to Oliver Cromwell (see quot. 1834), combining spiritual exhortation
with the practical measure of making sure that one’s gunpowder is kept serviceable. The
second half of the saying is often used allusively in the phrase to keep one’s powder dry.
1834 COLONEL BLACKER Oliver’s Advice in E. Hayes Ballads of Ireland (1856) I.
192 Put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry. 1856 E. HAYES Ballads
of Ireland (ed. 2) I. 191 Cromwell.. when his troops were about crossing a river..
concluded an address.. with these words—’put your trust in God; but mind to keep your
powder dry.’ 1908 Times Literary Supplement 6 Nov. 383 In thus keeping his powder dry
the bishop acted most wisely, though he himself ascribes the happy result entirely to the
observance of the other half of Cromwell’s maxim. 1979 V. CANNING Satan Sampler iv.
God.. created us for a better end. .. We must put our trust in Him and keep our powder
dry. prudence; self-help
There is TRUTH in wine
Cf. Gr. there is truth in wine (attributed to the 6th-cent. BC lyric poet
Alcaeus); L. in vino veritas. The Latin version, used in Erasmus’ Adages, is widely known and
perhaps more frequently used than the English proverb.
1545 R. TAVERNER tr. Erasmus’ Adages (ed. 2) H5V In wyne is trouthe. 1659 T.
PECKE Parnassi Puerperium 5 Grant but the Adage true, that Truth’s in wine. 1869
TROLLOPE He knew He was Right II. li. There is no saying truer than that.. there is truth
in wine. Wine.. has the merit of forcing a man to show his true colours. 1934 R. GRAVES
Claudius the God ix. The man who made the proverb ‘There’s truth in wine’ must have
been pretty well soaked when he made it. 2002 P. LOVESEY Diamond Dust xi. 87 He was
trying to decide if the man was capable of coherent answers. In vino veritas is a maxim