Hislop, A., Proverbs of Scotland (Glasgow, 1862).
H[owell]., J., Paroimiographia. Proverbs, or Old sayed sawes & adages in English,..
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Kelly, J., Complete Collection of Scottish Proverbs Explained and made Intelligible to the
English Reader (London, 1721).
Lean, V. S., Collectanea (5 vols., Bristol, 1902–4).
[Mapletoft, J.,] Select Proverbs, Italian, Spanish, French, English, Scotish, British, &c.
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Mieder, W., Kingsbury, S.A., and Harder, K. B., A Dictionary of American Proverbs (New
York and Oxford, 1992).
Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs, ed. F. P. Wilson (ed. 3, Oxford, 1970).
Palmer, S., Moral Essays on some of the most Curious and Significant English, Scotch,
and Foreign Proverbs (London, 1710).
R[ay]., J., Collection of English Proverbs (Cambridge, 1670). Later editions are also
Stevenson, B., HomeBook of Proverbs, Maxims, and Familiar Phrases (rev. ed., New
York, 1961).
Taverner, R., Proverbs or adagies with newe addicions gathered out of the Chiliades of
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Taylor, A., and Whiting, B. J., Dictionary of American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases
1820–1880 (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1958).
Tilley, M. P., Dictionary of the Proverbs in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth
Centuries (Ann Arbor, 1950).
Torriano, G., Dictionary English & Italian, with severall Proverbs, first published with J.
Florio’s Vocabolario Italiano & Inglese, a Dictionary Italian & English (rev. ed.,
London, 1659).
—— Piazza universale di proverbi Italiani; or, a common place of Italian proverbs and
proverbial phrases (London, 1666).
—— Second alphabet consisting of proverbial phrases (London, 1662).
—— Select Italian Proverbs (Cambridge, 1642).
Tusser, T., Husbandry: Hundreth good pointes of husbandrie (London, 1557), Five
hundreth points of good husbandry united to as many of good huswiferie (1573, various
revised and augmented editions).
Whiting, B. J., Early American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases (Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1977).
—— Modern Proverbs and Proverbial Sayings (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1989).
—— Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases from English Writings mainly before
1500 (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1968).
Works Cited from Modern Editions
Beaumont, F., and Fletcher, J., Works, ed. A. Glover and A. R. Waller (10 vols.,