Cambridge, 1905–12).
Bible: Authorised Version of the English Bible 1611 ed. W. A. Wright (5 vols.,
Cambridge, 1909).
Chaucer, G., Works, ed. F. N. Robinson (ed. 2, London, 1966).
Dekker, T., Dramatic Works, ed. F. T. Bowers (4 vols., Cambridge, 1953–61). Non-
dramatic works are cited from the first edition.
Douce MS 52: Forster, M., ‘Die Mittelenglische Sprichwortersammlung in Douce 52’,
Festschrift zum XII. Allgemeinen Deutschen Neuphilologentage in München, Pfingsten
1906 (Erlangen, 1906), 40–60.
Ford, J., Dramatic Works, ed. W. Bang and H. de Vocht (2 vols., Louvain, 1908, 1927).
Gascoigne, G., Complete Works, ed. J. W. Cunliffe (2 vols., Cambridge, 1907–10).
Gower, J., English Works, ed. G. C. Macaulay (2 vols., London, 1900–1).
Greene, R., Life and Complete Works in prose and verse, ed. A. B. Grosart (15 vols.,
London, 1881–6).
Heywood, T., Dramatic Works, ed. R. H. Shepherd (6 vols., London, 1874). Captives is
cited from the first publication of 1885.
Jonson, B., Works, ed. C. H. Herford, P. and E. M. Simpson (11 vols., Oxford, 1925–52).
Cynthia’s Revels is cited from the first edition.
Langland, W., Vision of William concerning Piers Plowman, ed. W. W. Skeat (5 vols.,
London, 1867–85).
Lyly, J., Complete Works, ed. R. W. Bond (3 vols., Oxford, 1902). Principal works cited
are Euphues: the anatomy of wit (1578) and Euphues and his England (1580).
Marlowe, C., Works and Life, ed. R. H. Case et al. (6 vols., London, 1930–3).
Marston, J., Works, ed. A. H. Bullen (3 vols., London, 1887).
Massinger, P., Plays and Poems, ed. P. Edwards and C. Gibson (Oxford, 1976).
Middleton, T., Works, ed. A. H. Bullen (8 vols., London, 1885–6).
Milton, J., Complete Prose Works, ed. D. M. Wolfe et al. (8 vols., New Haven, 1953-).
—— Works, ed. F. A. Patterson (18 vols., New York, 1931–8). Cited for poetical works.
Nashe, T., Works, ed. R. B. McKerrow (5 vols., London, 1904–10; corrected reprint 1958,
Pope, A., Twickenham edition of the poems, ed. J. Butt et al. (10 vols., London, 1939–67).
The Dunciad and the translation of the Odyssey are cited from the first edition; Letters
are cited as marked in the text.
Porter, H., Pleasant Historie of the two angrie women ofAbington, ed. W. W. Greg
(Oxford, for the Malone Society, 1912).
Romaunt of the Rose. in Chaucer, G., Works, supra.
Shakespeare, W., Complete Works, ed. P. Alexander (London, 1951).
Skelton, J., Poems, ed. R. S. Kinsman (Oxford, 1969). Items not found here are cited from
Poetical Works, ed. A. Dyce (2 vols., London, 1843).
Spenser, E., Works: a variorum edition, ed. E. Greenlaw et al. (10 vols., Baltimore, 1932–
Swift, J., Poems, ed. H. Williams (3 vols., ed. 2, Oxford, 1958).
—— Prose Works, ed. H. Davis (14 vols., Oxford, 1939–68). The Polite Conversation (’S.
W [agstaff].’, Complete collection of genteel and ingenious conversation, according to