A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1

getting and spending see also money; thrift

EASY come, easy go
what is GOT over the Devil’s back is spent under his belly
LIGHT come, light go
QUICKLY come, quickly go
SPARE at the spigot..
what you SPEND, you have
a WOMAN and a ship ever want mending

giving and receiving

it is BETTER to give than to receive
FEAR the Greeks bearing gifts
never look a GIFT horse in the mouth
GIVE a thing, and take a thing..
he GIVES twice who gives quickly

good and evil

never BID the Devil good morrow..
the DEVIL can quote Scripture for his own ends
why should the DEVIL have all the best tunes?
the DEVIL is not so black..
EVIL communications corrupt good manners
never do EVIL that good may come of it
EVIL doers are evil dreaders
EVIL to him who evil thinks
where GOD builds a church, the Devil will build a chapel
the GOOD die young
GOOD men are scarce
the GREATER the sinner, the greater the saint
IDLENESS is the root of all evil
ILL weeds grow apace
MONEY is the root of all evil
NOTHING so bad but it might have been worse
it is easier to RAISE the Devil than to lay him
no ROSE without a thorn SEE no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
SUFFICIENT unto the day is the evil thereof
TWO blacks don’t make a white
TWO wrongs don’t make a right
YOUNG saint, old devil

good fortune see also blessings

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