it is NEVER too late to mend
NEW brooms sweep clean
you can’t put NEW wine in old bottles
when THINGS are at the worst they begin to mend
inconstancy see under constancy and inconstancy
indecision see decision and indecision
GOD is high above, and the tsar is far away
every HERRING must hang by its own gill
the MOUNTAINS are high, and the emperor is far away
he TRAVELS fastest who travels alone
every TUB must stand on its own bottom
industriousness see diligence
ingratitude see gratitude and ingratitude
injustice see justice and injustice
innovation see also change; novelty
NEW brooms sweep clean
what is NEW cannot be true
you can’t put NEW wine in old bottles
you can’t TEACH an old dog new tricks
don’t THROW out your dirty water..
TIMES change and we with time
TURKEY, heresy, hops, and beer came into England all in one year
the BEST-laid schemes.. gang aft agley
the ROAD to hell is paved with good intentions
interference see busybodies