A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
one LAW for the rich and another for the poor
the more LAWS, the more thieves and bandits
a man who is his own LAWYER has a fool for a client
SUE a beggar and catch a louse

laziness see idleness


when HOUSE and land are gone..
LEARNING is better than house and land
a LITTLE knowledge is a dangerous thing
it is NEVER too late to learn
NEVER too old to learn
there is no ROYAL road to learning

lending see borrowing and lending

lies see lying


ART is long and life is short
EAT, drink, and be merry..

LIFE begins at forty

LIFE isn’t all beer and skittles

while there’s LIFE there’s hope
a LIVE dog is better than a dead lion
he LIVES long who lives well
MAN cannot live by bread alone

loans see borrowing and lending

long-windedness see under brevity and long-windedness

losers see under winners and losers

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