the DEVIL’S children have the Devil’s luck
DILIGENCE is the mother of good luck
FOOLS for luck
FORTUNE favours fools
FORTUNE favours the brave
there is LUCK in odd numbers
LUCKY at cards, unlucky in love
MARRIAGE is a lottery
see a PIN and pick it up..
THIRD time lucky
ASK no questions and hear no lies
HALF the truth is often a whole lie
a LIAR ought to have a good memory
BETTER a dinner of herbs..
CURSES, like chickens, come home to roost
don’t CUT off your nose to spite your face
throw DIRT enough, and some will stick
DOGS bark, but the caravan goes on
HARD words break no bones
HELL hath no fury like a woman scorned
there is no LITTLE enemy
MISERY loves company
STICKS and stones may break my bones..
never let the SUN go down on your anger
never tell TALES out of school
CHILDREN should be seen and not heard
CIVILITY costs nothing
EVIL communications corrupt good manners
FINGERS were made before forks
MANNERS maketh man
marriage see also love; weddings; wives and husbands
BETTER one house spoiled than two
BETTER to marry than to burn
BETTER wed over the mixen..