SING before breakfast, cry before night
methods see ways and means
middle age
a FOOL at forty is a fool indeed
LIFE begins at forty
mischief see good and evil; wrongdoers
misfortune see also trouble
ACCIDENTS will happen..
ADVERSITY makes strange bedfellows
if ANYTHING can go wrong, it will
BAD news travels fast
BAD things come in threes
the BIGGER they are..
the BLEATING of the kid excites the tiger
the BREAD never falls..
CROSSES are ladders that lead to heaven
it is no use CRYING over spilt milk
it’s an ILL wind that blows nobody any good
LIGHTNING never strikes the same place twice
MAY chickens come cheeping
do not MEET troubles halfway
MISERY loves company
MISFORTUNES never come singly
NO cross, no crown
the PITCHER will go to the well once too often
it never RAINS but it pours
help you to SALT, help you to sorrow
the SHARPER the storm, the sooner it’s over
many go out for WOOL and come home shorn
mistakes see error
ENOUGH is enough
the HALF is better than the whole
LESS is more