A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
there is MEASURE in all things
MODERATION in all things

money see also getting and spending; just deserts

BAD money drives out good
the BEST things in life are free
a FOOL and his money are soon parted
you cannot serve GOD and Mammon
GOLD may be bought too dear
a GOLDEN key can open any door
KEEP your shop and your shop will keep you
the LABOURER is worthy of his hire
when the LAST tree is cut down,.. you will realize that you cannot eat money
never MARRY for money, but marry where money is
MONEY can’t buy happiness
MONEY has no smell
MONEY isn’t everything
MONEY is power
MONEY is the root of all evil
MONEY, like manure, does no good till it is spread
MONEY makes a man
MONEY makes money
MONEY makes the mare to go
MONEY talks
where there’s MUCK there’s brass
he that cannot PAY, let him pray
if you PAY peanuts, you get monkeys
he who PAYS the piper calls the tune
you PAYS your money and you takes your choice
take care of the PENCE..
SHROUDS have no pockets
SPEAK not of my debts unless you mean to pay them


ART is long and life is short
a CREAKING door hangs longest
we must EAT a peck of dirt before we die
THREATENED men live long

murder see violence

national characteristics

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