opportunity, missed
a BLEATING sheep loses a bite
the GODS send nuts to those who have no teeth
the MILL cannot grind with the water
that is past he that WILL not when he may, when he
will he shall have nay
opportunity, taken
ADVENTURES are to the adventurous when the CAT’S away, the mice will play
every DOG has his day
when the GOING gets tough, the tough get going
MAKE hay while the sun shines
NATURE abhors a vacuum
a thief a POSTERN door makes a thief
when TWO dogs are fighting for a bone..
EAST is east, and west is west
from the SWEETEST wine, the tartest vinegar
all’s for the BEST..
it is BETTER to travel hopefully..
every CLOUD has a silver lining
don’t COUNT your chickens..
while there’s LIFE there’s hope
NOTHING so bad but it might have been worse
don’t SELL the skin till you have caught the bear
when THINGS are at the worst they begin to mend
if you can WALK you can dance..
FIRST come, first served FIRST things first
a PLACE for everything, and everything in its place
there is a TIME and place for everything
the APPLE never falls far from the tree