A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
no SMOKE without fire
everyone SPEAKS well of the bridge which carries him over

public relations

GOOD wine needs no bush
you can’t PLEASE everyone
any PUBLICITY is good publicity


FIRST up, best dressed
PUNCTUALITY is the politeness of princes
PUNCTUALITY is the soul of business
SHORT reckonings make long friends


it’s ill speaking between a FULL man and a fasting
a HOUSE divided cannot stand
TWO of a trade never agree
it takes TWO to make a quarrel

rain see under weather lore

reality and illusion

FACT is stranger than fiction

FACTS are stubborn things

the PROOF of the pudding is in the eating
if it SOUNDS too good to be true...
TRUTH is stranger than fiction


DO as you would be done by
DO unto others as you would they should do unto you
DOG does not eat dog
there’s no such thing as a FREE lunch
one GOOD turn deserves another
one HAND washes the other
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