BLOOD will have blood
don’t CUT off your nose to spite your face
DEAD men don’t bite
DEAD men tell no tales
he LAUGHS best who laughs last
he who LAUGHS last, laughs longest
don’t get MAD, get even
REVENGE is a dish that can be eaten cold
REVENGE is sweet
if you SIT by the river for long enough..
rewards see just deserts; money
riches see also money
it is BETTER to be born lucky than rich
EARLY to bed and early to rise..
the MORE you get, the more you want
MUCH would have more
the RICH man has his ice in the summer..
if you don’t SPECULATE, you can’t accumulate
risk see also caution
ADVENTURES are to the adventurous
a BIRD in the hand..
one might as well be HANGED for a sheep as a lamb
IN for a penny, in for a pound
if you don’t make MISTAKES you don’t make anything
NOTHING venture, nothing gain
NOTHING venture, nothing have
if you don’t SPECULATE, you can’t accumulate
rules, general
the EXCEPTION proves the rule
there is an EXCEPTION to every rule
HARD cases make bad laws
RULES are made to be broken
rulers and ruled
BETTER a century of tyranny than one day of chaos