it TAKES one to know one
TWO of a trade never agree
slander see also malice; rumour
throw DIRT enough, and some will stick
give a DOG a bad name and hang him
a DOG that will fetch a bone..
those who live in GLASS houses..
the GREATER the truth, the greater the libel
never SPEAK ill of the dead
sleep see health
smallness see great and small
a CAT may look at a king
DO as you would be done by
DO unto others as you would they should do unto you
EVERYBODY loves a lord
one HALF of the world does not know how the other half lives
if every man would SWEEP his own doorstep..
it takes a whole VILLAGE to bring up a child
an ARMY marches on its stomach
the FIRST duty of a soldier is obedience
OLD soldiers never die
what the SOLDIER said isn’t evidence
speech and silence
little BIRDS that can sing and won’t sing..
a BLEATING sheep loses a bite
out of the FULLNESS of the heart..
who KNOWS most, speaks least
LEAST said, soonest mended
NO names, no pack-drill
NO news is good news
a SHUT mouth catches no flies
SILENCE is a woman’s best garment