SILENCE is golden
SILENCE means consent
SPEECH is silver, but silence is golden
a STILL tongue makes a wise head
STILL waters run deep
spending see getting and spending
staying power see perseverance; persistence
strength and weakness
the CARIBOU feeds the wolf..
a CHAIN is no stronger..
when ELEPHANTS fight, it is the grass that suffers
there is nothing like LEATHER
a REED before the wind lives on..
when SPIDER webs unite, they can tie up a lion
UNION is strength
the WEAKEST go to the wall
CARE killed the cat
when the GOING gets tough, the tough get going
if you don’t like the HEAT, get out of the kitchen
it is the PACE that kills
if you can’t RIDE two horses at once..
do not call a WOLF to help you against the dogs
it is not WORK that kills, but worry
ASK a silly question and you get a silly answer
a FOOL and his money are soon parted
a FOOL at forty is a fool indeed
there’s no FOOL like an old fool
PENNY wise and pound foolish
every DOG has his day
let them LAUGH that win
NOTHING succeeds like success