A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
JACK of all trades and master of none
there are TRICKS in every trade
TWO of a trade never agree


it is BETTER to travel hopefully
GO abroad and you’ll hear news of home
TRAVEL broadens the mind
he TRAVELS fastest who travels alone

trouble see also misfortune

AFTER a storm comes a calm
ANY port in a storm
don’t CARE was made to care
don’t CROSS the bridge..
what the EYE doesn’t see.. GOD makes the back to the burden GOD tempers the wind to
the shorn lamb
don’t HALLOO till you are out of the wood
when you are in a HOLE, stop digging
the MOTHER of mischief is no bigger than a midge’s wing
those who PLAY at bowls must look out for rubbers
if you’re not part of the SOLUTION, you’re part of the problem
the SQUEAKING wheel gets the grease
a TROUBLE shared is a trouble halved
never TROUBLE trouble till trouble troubles you

trust and scepticism

BELIEVE nothing of what you hear..
SEEING is believing
THREE things are not be trusted ..

truth see also reality and illusion

CHILDREN and fools tell the truth
what EVERYBODY says must be true the
GREATER the truth, the greater the libel
a LIE is halfway round the world .. what is NEW cannot be true
what the SOLDIER said isn’t evidence
TELL the truth and shame the Devil
many a TRUE word is spoken in jest
there is TRUTH in wine
TRUTH is the first casualty of war
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