A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
TRUTH lies at the bottom of a well
TRUTH makes the Devil blush
TRUTH will out

uncertainty see certainty and uncertainty

unity and division

a HOUSE divided cannot stand
when SPIDER webs unite, they can tie up a lion
UNION is strength
UNITED we stand, divided we fall


the nearer the BONE, the sweeter the meat
GOLD may be bought too dear
a KING’S chaff is worth more than other men’s corn
it is a POOR dog that’s not worth
whistling for the WORTH of a thing is what it will bring


it takes ALL sorts to make a world
VARIETY is the spice of life

villainy see wrong-doers


BLOOD will have blood
when ELEPHANTS fight, it is the grass that suffers
KILLING no murder
MURDER will out


the BEST of men are but men at best to the PURE all things are pure VIRTUE is its own

wanting and having see also greed

APPETITE comes with eating
the BEST-laid schemes .. gang aft agley
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