the HAND that rocks the cradle rules the world
HELL hath no fury like a woman scorned
LONG and lazy, little and loud ..
SILENCE is a woman’s best garment
a WHISTLING woman and a crowing hen..
a WOMAN, a dog, and a walnut tree ..
a WOMAN and a ship ever want mending
a WOMAN without a man ..
a WOMAN’S place is in the home
a WOMAN’S work is never done
words and deeds
ACTIONS speak louder than words
a BARKING dog never bites
a BELLOWING COW soon forgets her calf
BRAG is a good dog ..
DO as I say, not as I do
EMPTY vessels make the most sound
EXAMPLE is better than precept
FINE words butter no parsnips
MUCH cry and little wool
an OUNCE of practice is worth a pound of precept
PRACTISE what you preach
STICKS and stones may break my bones..
TALK is cheap
work see also diligence; trades and skills
ANOTHER day, another dollar
a BAD workman blames his tools
never send a BOY to do a man’s job
two BOYS are half a boy ..
you cannot make BRICKS without straw
BUSINESS before pleasure
he who CAN, does ..
let the COBBLER stick to his last
the COBBLER to his last ..
EVERY man to his trade
FOOLS and bairns should never see half-done work
why KEEP a dog and bark yourself?
KEEP no more cats than will catch mice
the LABOURER is worthy of his hire
MANY hands make light work
PAY beforehand was never well served