a SHORT horse is soon curried
if a THING’S worth doing, it’s worth doing well
TOO many cooks spoil the broth
a WOMAN’S work is never done
all WORK and no play makes Jack a dull boy
WORK expands so as to fill the time available
if you won’t WORK you shan’t eat
worry see stress
wrong-doers see also error
a BAD penny always turns up
CHEATS never prosper
to ERR is human ..
EVIL doers are evil dreaders
the GREATER the sinner, the greater the saint
a GUILTY conscience needs no accuser
HANG a thief when he’s young ..
there is HONOUR among thieves
an IDLE brain is the Devil’s workshop
ILL weeds grow apace
LITTLE thieves are hanged ..
OFFENDERS never pardon
OLD sins cast long shadows
ONCE a whore, always a whore
an old POACHER makes the best gamekeeper
if there were no RECEIVERS..
give a man ROPE enough ..
set a THIEF to catch a thief
when THIEVES fall out ..
whom the GODS love die young
the GOOD die young
you cannot put an OLD head on young shoulders
SOON ripe, soon rotten
WANTON kittens make sober cats
YOUNG folks think old folks to be fools ..
a YOUNG man married is a young man marred
YOUNG saint, old devil
YOUTH must be served
if YOUTH knew, if age could