A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
Friday’s child is loving and giving. | Saturday’s child works hard for a living. | And the
child born on the Sabbath day | Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay. children

The CHILD is the father of the man

An assertion of the unity of character from youth to manhood. Cf. 1671 MILTON Paradise
Regained IV. 220 The childhood shews the man, As morning shews the day.

1807 WORDSWORTH Poems (1952) I. 226 My heart leaps up when I behold A
rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began.. The Child is father of the Man. 1871
S. SMILES Character ii. The influences which contribute to form the character of the
child.. endure through life. .. ‘The child is father of the man.’ 1907 E. GOSSE Father &
Son xii. We are the victims of hallowed proverbs, and one of the most classic of these
tells us that ‘the child is the father of the man’. 2002 Washington Post 31 May C7 ‘The
child is father of the man’ is an idea that’s been around for a while, but Gail Tsukiyama
takes this notion and tweaks it, ever so gently. children; human nature

child see also a BURNT child dreads the fire; PRAISE the child, and you make love to the
mother; SPARE the rod and spoil the child; it takes a whole VILLAGE to bring up a child; it is
a WISE child that knows its own father.

CHILDREN and fools tell the truth

Cf. late 14th-cent. Fr. pour savoir vrai de chose toute, yvre, enffant, sot et femme escoute,
to know the truth about everything, listen to drunkards, children, idiots, and women; c 1425 in
Anglia (1885) VIII. 154 Atte laste treuthe was tryed oute of a childe and dronken man.

1537 in Letters & Papers of Reign of Henry VIII (1929) Addenda I. I. 437 It is ‘an
old saying that a child, a fool and a drunken man will ever show.. the truth’. 1591 LYLY
Endymion IV. ii. Children must not see Endimion, because children and fooles speake
true. 1652 J. TATHAM Scots Figgaries III. 23 I am a fool ‘tis confest, but children and
fooles tell truth sometimes; you know. 1805 SCOTT Letter Jan. (1932) I. 233 It is a
proverb, that children and fools talk truth and I am mistaken if even the same valuable
quality may not sometimes be extracted out of the tales made to entertain both. 1921
Evening Standard 21 Oct. 9 Solicitor.. ‘Are you telling the truth in this case?’ Witness.—
Only children and fools tell the truth. 1972 ‘D. SHANNON’ Murder with Love ii. All he
said was that children and fools speak the truth. children; fools; truth
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