Restinga Paralela = Parallel Restinga

(Vicente Mussi-Dias) #1

lo, southern tamandua, giant anteater, common agouti, lowland
paca, capybara, Brazilian porcupine, tapeti (Brazilian cottontail),
crab-eating raccoon, South American coati, Neotropical otter,
lesser grison, forest fox, jaguarundi, South American water rat
and wild cat. It is surprising the presence of the giant anteater,
seen by the researchers, because it is a species considered ex-
tinct regionally.

The diversity of ornithofauna is much greater. Direct
and indirect research revealed the presence of 141 species,
namely, common quail, small-billed tinamou, grebe, booby,
Neotropic cormorant, magnificent frigatebird, maguari stork,
snowy egret, striated heron, least bittern, stripe-backed bit-
tern, cattle egret, jabiru, cocoi heron, wood-stork, Becard, pi-
cazuro pigeon, white-faced whistling-duck, white-cheecked
pintail, Brazilian teal, silver teal, rosy-billed pochard, Muscovy
duck, black vulture, Lesser yellow-headed vulture, turkey vul-
ture, white-tailed kite, roadside hawk, savanna hawk, snail kite,
laughing falcon, Southern caracara, yellow-headed caraca-
ra, aplomado falcon, American kestrel, rusty-margined guan,
limpkin, blackish rail, mangrove rail, spotted rail, gray-necked
wood-rail, ash-throated crake, Beach woodrail, purple gallinule,
common gallinule, wattled jacana, Southern lapwing, black-bel-
lied plover, collared plover, ruddy turnstone, solitary sandpiper,
lesser yellowlegs, greater yellowlegs, sandpiper, white-backed
stilt, South American snipe, kelp gull, pigeon, pale-vented pi-
geon, plain-breasted ground-dove, ground-dove, quail-dove,
red-browed parrot, squirrel cuckoo, smoothed-billed ani, guira
cuckoo, striped cuckoo, burrowing owl, common potoo, com-
mon pauraque, nighjar, scissor-tailed nightjar, white-collared
swift, swift, swallow-tailed hummingbird, glittering-throated
emerald, kingfisher, Amazon kingfisher, piculet, campo flicker,
blond-crested woodpecker, white woodpecker, rufous horne-
ro, hornero, yellow-chinned spinetail, wren-like rushbird, white
monjita, masked water-tyrant, long-tailed tyrant, cattle tyrant,
fork-tailed flycatcher, Tropical kingbird, boat-billed flycatcher,
three-striped flycatcher, great kiskadee, yellow-breasted fly-
catcher, common tody-flycatcher, gray-headed tody-flycatch-
er, tawny-crowned pygmy-tyrant, Elaenia, Southern beard-
less-tyrannulet, eared pygmy-tyrant, white-rumped swallow,
brown-chested martin, gray-breasted martin, blue-and-white
swallow, barn swallow, Tropical mockingbird, chalk-browed
mockingbird, black-capped donacobius, wren, rufous-bellied
thrush, pipit, chivi vireo, lemon-chested greenlet, black-tyrant,
chestnut-capped blackbird, unicolored blackbird, white-browed

Lagoa do Açu, na restinga de Paraíba do Sul. Foto: Mauricio Falcão
Açu lagoon in the Paraíba do Sul restinga. Photo by Mauricio Falcão
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