A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century
unionists, fought to improve conditions for the poorer section of the population by means of leg- islation, but in practice it w ...
basic wage demands and the forty-hour week which the trade unions had fought for. Chifley did not hesitate to take tough measure ...
on the Liberal–Country Party’s political elite, just at a time when Labor had at last found a resource- ful new leader with nati ...
Australian society had steadily become more polarised. Many Australians, particularly the pro- fessional classes, enjoyed a high ...
aim. The ‘white Australian’ policy in practice had the effect of demoralising them. Only slowly, beginning in the 1960s, did Abo ...
culture and way of life and its democratic form of government are Western. In the 1990s it was being inexorably drawn closer int ...
state to curb the exploitation of the weak. Their ideal was a more egalitarian society. But in the process the national governme ...
and formed an alliance with Labour. When Labour came to power in 1935 it began a pro- gramme of Maori welfare campaigns in educa ...
to carry on the reforming tradition: capital pun- ishment was abolished; an ombudsman was appointed who could adjudicate where a ...
both allies, the US and Britain. But there was lit- tle doubt which was the more important. From 1966 to 1976 Britain progressiv ...
weakened by the ending of the closed shop and centralised wage bargaining; trade union protest in 1992 was faced down by Bolger’ ...
The population of Latin America and the Caribbean reached 519 million people at the close of the twentieth century. Yet in twent ...
The economic problems of these debt-ridden countries gave the US some leverage in its battle against the drug scourge. In return ...
Latin American governments are also charac- terised by instability, which, in the past, has dis- couraged investment – the local ...
The Church dedicated itself to becoming the Church of the poor and oppressed. In 1978 the Latin American bishops met again in Pu ...
spoken critic of the regime in El Salvador, who was shot dead while administering mass in a hos- pital chapel. Where military re ...
Colombia Colombia is ostensibly a democracy on the US model with a directly elected president and an elected Congress, but the c ...
The masses of Peru suffered during the course of the twentieth century from a kaleidoscopic variety of more or less oligarchic g ...
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