Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

(^108) Light on Yoga
5· Contract the anus and the buttocks, tighten the thighs.

  1. Maintain the pose for about^20 seconds, breathing normally.

7· Exhale, bend the elbows and rest the trunk on the floor. Repeat the
pose two or three times and then relax.


The posture is a panacea for an injured spine and in cases of slight dis­
placement of spinal discs the practice of this pose replaces the discs in
their original position. The spinal region is toned and the chest fully

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  1. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana One* (Plate 74)

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    Urdhva Mukha means having the mouth upwards. Svana means a dog.
    The pose resembles a dog stretching itself with the head up in the air,
    hence the name.

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