Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
120 Light on Yoga

keeps the mind attentive and alert. This asana is also recommended for
the practice of prai).ayama and for meditation.
From the purely physical point of view, the asana is good for curing
stiffness in the knees and ankles. In it the blood circulates in the lumbar
region and the abdomen, and this tones the lower region of the spine and
the abdominal organs.

  1. Vzrasana One* (Plate 89)
    V!ra means a hero, warrior, champion. This sitting posture is done by
    keeping the knees together, spreading the feet and resting them by the
    side of the hips.
    The pose is good for meditation and prai).ayama.

Te chnique

  1. Kneel on the floor. Keep the knees together and spread the fe et about
    18 inches apart.

  2. Rest the buttocks on the floor, but not the body on the fe et. The feet
    are kept by the side of the thighs, the inner side of each calf touching
    the outer side of its respective thigh. Keep the toes pointing back and
    touching the floor. Keep the wrists on the knees, palms facing up, and
    join the tips of the thumbs and forefingers. Keep the other fingers
    extended. Stretch the back erect. (Back view: Plate 88. Front view:

Plate 89)
3· Stay in this position as long as you can, with deep breathing.

4· Then rest the palms on the knees for a while. (Side view: Plate 90)
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