Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

so. Sirrzhasana II Six* (Plate I Io)

I. Sit in Padmasana. (Plate I 04)

Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya I37

  1. Extend the arms in front and place the palms on the floor, fingers
    pointing forward.

3· Stand on the knees and then push the pelvic region to the floor.

4· Stretch the back by contracting the buttocks, keeping the arms
fully stretched. The weight of the body rests on the palms and knees
only. Open the mouth and stretch the tongue out towards the chin as
far as you can. (Front view: Plate IIO. Side view: Plate II I)


  1. Gaze at the centre of the eyebrows or at the tip of the nose and
    keep the pose for about 30 seconds. Breathe through the mouth.

  2. Sit in Padmasana (Plate I 04) and lift the hands off the floor. Then
    interchange the position of the legs, perform Padmasana again and
    repeat the pose for the same length of time.

The pose exercises the liver and controls the flow of bile. It cures
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