Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
150 Light on Yoga



1· Stretch the back fully, pull the trunk forward and keep the chest
against the right thigh.

  1. Stay in this position with deep breathing from half a minute to a
    minute. One can also do the pose holding the breath after each exhalation.

9· Inhale, raise the head and trunk, straighten the arms and gaze up for
a few seconds, extending the spine and trying to make it concave. (Plate
IO. Release the hand grip on the right foot, straighten the left leg and
come back to position I.
I 1. Repeat the pose keeping the left leg stretched out and bending the
right leg at the knee. Stay in the pose for the same length of time on
both the sides.

This asana tones the liver and the spleen and thereby aids digestion. It
also tones and activates the kidneys, the effect on which can be felt
while one is performing the pose as explained above.
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