Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriyii 157
5· Join the knees, exhale and bend forward. Rest first the forehead, then
the nose, next the lips and ultimately the chin on the left knee. (Plate
139.) To achieve this, widen the elbows and push the trunk forward
with an exhalation.

  1. Do not rest the left elbow on the floor. In the beginning, one loses
    balance and topples over to the side of the extended leg. The trunk
    should, therefore, be slightly bent towards the side of the bent leg and
    the weight of the body should be taken by the bent knee.

  2. Stay in this position from half a minute to a minute, breathing

  3. Inhale, raise the head and trunk, release the hands, straighten the
    right leg and come to position 1.

9· Repe.1t the pose on the other side, keeping the right leg stretched
out on the ground, bending the left knee and placing the left foot by the
left hip joint. Stay for the same length of time on both sides.

This asana is recommended for persons suffering from dropped arches
and fiat feet. It cures sprains in the ankle and the knee, and any swelling
in the leg is reduced:
Along with Janu Sfr�asana (Plate 127) and Ardha Baddha Padma
Paschimottanasana (Plate 135), this asana tones the abdominal organs
and keeps them free from sluggishness. We abuse our abdominal organs
by over-indulgence or by conforming to social etiquette. Abdominal
organs cause a majority of diseases and ancient sages emphasised that
their health was essential for longevity, happiness and peace of mind.
These forward bending asanas keep the abdominal organs healthy and
in trim. Apart from keeping the muscles in shape, they work on the
organs as well.
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