Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya r65
- Then, clasp the feet with the hands and try to rest the chest on the
floor. (Plate rsr.) Stay in this position from 30 to 6o seconds with normal
1· Inhale, raise the trunk off the floor (Plate 148) and release the hold
on the feet, bring them together and relax.
- Hold the left foot with both hands, exhale and rest the chin on the
left knee. (Plate r 52.) Inhale and raise the head and trunk. Now catch the
right foot and with an exhalation rest the chin on the right knee. Inhale,
raise the head and trunk, release the hands, bring the feet together and
The asana stretches the hamstrings and helps the blood to circulate
properly in the pelvic region and keeps it healthy. It prevents the
development of hernia of which it can cure mild cases and relieves sciatic
pains. Since the asana controls and regularises the menstrual flow and
also stimulates the ovaries, it is a boon to women.